印尼石斑魚養殖業蓬勃發展香港及中國大陸對石斑魚需求持續成長帶動印尼石斑魚養殖業蓬勃發展。巴里島及爪哇島東部的石斑魚養殖業已深耕多年,現在則迅速拓展至蘇門達臘島的租辦公室Lampung省。每公斤要價48美元的老鼠斑(澳洲人稱barramundi cod)是目前最受養殖業歡迎的石斑魚魚種。當地漁民在國營繁殖場的協助下開始將活魚運往香港及中國大陸市場的獨門生意資產管理公司。養殖技術多方發展至能將原本只有一成的存活率成功提升至七成。漁民除了利用活魚運搬船大量運送Lampung省的活石斑魚,也經由雅加達機場每日空運至少1公噸的活魚至香港。 (摘小額信貸譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 20/2011,1 November 2011) Growing demand from Hong Kong and China has spurred rapid development of grouper farming in Indonesia. The 關鍵字排名grouper farming industry has been developed for some time in Bali and eastern part of Java Islands and now it is rapidly expanding also in Lampung, Sumatra Island. 關鍵字排名The most popular species is panther (humpback) grouper (known in Australia as barramundi cod) that can fetch US$48 per kilogram/ex-farm. With the help from the 買屋網government-run hatchery, local fishermen have started a small aquaculture business exclusively geared towards providing live fish to the Hong Kong and Chinese 西服markets. The farming technology has also developed ways to help increase survival rate to 70% from only 10% in the past. From Lampung, live grouper is sent to 信用卡代償Jakarta and from there this fish is air-flown to Hong Kong. Reportedly at least 1 MT of live groupers are exported daily from Jakarta airport. The bulk of live 住商房屋food fish from Indonesia is also shipped using live vessel carriers.

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